SUMMARY: DE500-BA under DU4.0D and auto-negotiation of duplex mode.

From: Thomas Leitner <>
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 1998 12:14:45 +0200 (MET DST)


The replies I got said that I should use things like "set ewa0_mode
fastfd" or "ifconfig tu0 speed 200". BUT: This is not what I want
as it turns off auto-negotiation. Apparently I did not point out clear
enough in my original posting that I *NEED* auto-negotiation for the
switch to use full duplex mode on its side because it can't be manually
switched to full duplex mode.

So: The problem is the auto-negotiation between the DE500-BA and the
switch which is apparently not working as the switch stays at half-duplex
but the DE500-BA goes to full-duplex!

The Lantronix WEB page lists several NICS (3COM, Intel etc.) which
can auto-negotiate with the LSW8F switch for full duplex 100Mbit mode
but the DE500-BA is not listed.

So for another question: Is there anyone using the DE500-BA (or any
other DE500 flavor) in auto-negotiation mode and if yes what switch
are you using?

I'm also bothering Lantronix with this as IMHO it is a major
design flaw to rely solely on auto-negotiation and not allow the
port speed and duplex mode to be set manually. Even DIP switches
would be o.k.

Thanks to: Christian Hansen <>
           "Mullin, Stephen (CAP, ITS, US)" <>

for their replies. Here they go followed by my original posting.


From: "Mullin, Stephen (CAP, ITS, US)" <>
Subject: RE: DE500-BA under DU4.0D and auto-negotiation of duplex mode ...

You MUST set the board speed at firmware prompt (downtime)
>>> show ewa*
>>> set ewa0=FastFD


From: Christian Hansen <>
Subject: RE: DE500-BA under DU4.0D and auto-negotiation of duplex mode ...

Hi Thomas,

You could perhaps get away with doing:

(In firmware mode)

>>set ewa0_mode FastFD

This will force your tu0 to Fast Full Duplex (disable auto-negotiate)

Christian Hansen
Mobilix A/S, DK

--------------------- O R I G I N A L P O S T I N G ----------------
From: Thomas Leitner <>
Subject: DE500-BA under DU4.0D and auto-negotiation of duplex mode ...


We got our Lantronix LSW8F fast ethernet workgroup switch today.
Unfortunately we didn't look close enough and bought the cheapest
version which cannot be configured manually. It determines its speeds
only via auto-negotiation.

While this works for the speed with the DE500-BA card under Digital
Unix 4.0D, the auto-negotiation for the duplex mode fails!

DU 4.0D always happily negotiates 100MBit/full duplex mode but the
switche's LEDS still signal half duplex mode. Indeed its a duplex-mode
mismatch because the transfer speed drops a lot.

This is what I see in my logs:

vmunix: tu0: auto negotiation restart: will advertise 100BaseTX: full duplex
vmunix: tu0: link up: negotiated 100BaseTX: full duplex

which looks good.

Now: Lantronix support tells me:

  "As mentioned in the LSW8F Installation Guide the device must support"
  "Clause 28 of the IEEE 802.3u specification. If not, the connection"
  "will default to half duplex mode."
But "man lan_config" is only talking about:

  -a [0|1]
      Enables (1) or disables (0) IEEE 802.3u autonegotiation. This option
      applies only to those devices that are capable of autonegotiation (for
      example, DE500-AA and DE500-BA). When enabled, the interface automati-
      cally negotiates the link speed (10 or 100 Mb/s) and the mode (half-
      duplex or full-duplex) with the remote interface.

So what about the "Clause 28" ?? Is this supported on the DE500-BA and
Digital Unix 4.0D?

Thanks a lot -- Tom

P.S: I'm still owing you all two summaries. I hope that I can put them
     together this weekend.

T o m L e i t n e r Dept. of Communications
                                            Graz University of Technology,
e-mail : Inffeldgasse 12
Phone : +43-316-873-7455 A-8010 Graz / Austria / Europe
Fax : +43-316-463-697
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