I sent this message yesterday;
hello managers
> we have around 3400 users , our machine is using DU 4.0b.
> when I use userdel to delete a user an error message is displayed:
> cannot find user
> but when I finger the same user it exists even I can su the user.
> when I use removeuser it can remove the user.,
> on another machine same operating system I can remove any user using
> userdel, the difference is that the other machine has less users (
> passwd file size ).
> so is there a limitation for the command userdel to a certain size of
> passwd file.
after that our mail system was down for a while , but one message passed
this message was from Martin Mokrejs, he suggeted to delete
passwd.dir and passwd.pag and to run mkpasswd -v /etc/passwd .
Thank you Mr. Martin Mokrejs for the reply , I tried that and still
the same problem
arises ,so if you or other member of the groupe can enlight me on this I
,ll be thankfull
thank you
Received on Wed Apr 22 1998 - 06:29:18 NZST