
From: <bol_at_thebol.com>
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 1998 19:51:50 +0300

Dear sir or Madame,
I have come across your internet site while looking for potential
channels of distribution for a new line of products manufactured in
Israel for the alternative medicine market.

This unique line of special-purpose medical honey, Honeybiotics, has
had a remarkable success in Israel. Consequently, we are currently
exploring various avenues to export it worldwide.

Honeybiotics product line may be viewed at: http://www.honeybiotics.co.il
Since it seems to me at a first glance that Honeybiotics may fit well
with the line of products shown in your site, I would greatly
appreciate your opinion on the prospects of our products in the
alternative medicine market in your country.

If, having reviewed our products, you wish to have further
information, kindly let me know. We would, however, appreciate any
feedback and comments that you may be kind enough to share with us.
Very respectfully yours,
Yigal Manor
OTC Medical Ltd.
Received on Wed Apr 22 1998 - 17:55:29 NZST

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