Hi all,
I must first thank all who replied :
Alan Rollow - <alan_at_nabeth.cxo.dec.com>
Peter Braack - <peter.Braack_at_degussa.de>
The trouble come from the StorageWorks Command Console, friday I
remove accidentally the device special file use by StorageWorks
Command Console to talk to the HSZ40.
>From Alan Rollow:
I think steamd is the daemon for the StorageWorks Command Console. It
seems that somebody decided to abort a SCSI command. Whether it
the driver that did the abort or steamd itself, I don't know. It
if the messages happen around the same time, then it is probably
steamd that is trying to send the command.
>From Peter Braack :
steamd is the agent for the StorageWorks Command Console. Do you
have the
client installed? Maybe you could see something in the SWCC windows. I
have no
further ideas.
My original post
>>Hi manager,
>>I have this message in my daemon.log repeating at 10 minutes sinces
>>two day:
>>Apr 26 12:36:43 darwin steamd[24803]: WARNING: SCSI command
>>failure (SP_MONITOR: MonitorSubsys)
>>Apr 26 12:46:44 darwin steamd[24803]: WARNING: SCSI command
>>failure (SP_MONITOR: MonitorSubsys)
>>And Uerf (DIA) report me that message two time a day but all sim to
>>Any hint?
>>I will summarize.
DECevent V2.4
******************************** ENTRY 1 ********************************
Logging OS 2. Digital UNIX
System Architecture 2. Alpha
Event sequence number 96.
Timestamp of occurrence 26-APR-1998 12:27:44
Host name darwin
System type register x00000018 AlphaServer 2000A or 2100A
Number of CPUs (mpnum) x00000002
CPU logging event (mperr) x00000001
Event validity 1. O/S claims event is valid
Event severity 1. Severe Priority
Entry type 199. CAM SCSI Event Type
------- Unit Info -------
Bus Number 0.
Unit Number x0000 Target = 0.
LUN = 0.
------- CAM Data -------
Class x22 DEC SIM - SCSI Interface Module
Subsystem x22 DEC SIM - SCSI Interface Module
Number of Packets 2.
------ Packet Type ------ 258. Module Name String
Routine Name ss_abort_done
------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String
Jean- Francois Blanchet Le Directeur general des
Technologie Unix-Oracle elections du Quebec
Tel : (418) 644-9339 3460 de la Perade
Fax: (418) 643-7291 Sainte-Foy (Quebec)
B: jfblanchet_at_dgeq.qc.ca G1X 3Y5
M: jfblanchet_at_videotron.ca CANADA
Received on Wed Apr 29 1998 - 15:31:34 NZST