Once again, this list came through quickly for me.
My original question:
"Any recommendations for free Mailing List software for
I received 14 replies (my apologies for those that I might
have received after I sent this message). The majority
said Majordomo and gave me the URL. There were a couple
of other suggestions, as well as some suggesting reading
My many thanks to all of you!
Brian Hostetter <brianh_at_netins.net>
Majordomo is the standard mailing list software. It is a
bit tricky to get going the first time, but well documented.
I think it comes with sendmail so you should already probably
have it.
"Richard Eisenman" <eisenman_at_tricity.wsu.edu>
Chad Price <cprice_at_biocomp.unl.edu>
majordomo . Get the latest and subscribe to the mailing list
It's perl based and works fine. I've used it for 2-3 years now.
Mitko Stoyanov <mstoyan_at_newscorp.com.au>
I use majordomo 1.94.4 + bulk_mailer for distribution list of
approx 17000 subscribers.
You may wish to have a look also at qmail - it is faster,
although requires MTA replacement. Red Hat Linux uses it on
Intel Box for nearly 100K messages per day (maybe more
already :) ). For more specialised lists (for example,
mailing different type of content, such as html and text),
I use in-house developed database driven (Sybase) list software.
"Robert A. Hayden" <rhayden_at_means.net>
I use majordomo.
It can be a little confusing to set up, but after that it's
relatively painless to maintain.
Matt White <whitem_at_bofh.usask.ca>
I use Majordomo (on DU, Linux, Ultrix, and OpenBSD - it's
pretty portable). Details at:
Tim Winders <twinders_at_SPC.cc.tx.us>
I use majordomo which works just great.
Michael Galloway <mgx_at_spruce.lsd.ornl.gov>
majordomo or qmail/ezmlm if you want to be done with sendmail.
"Allen, Mark R (PBD)" <Mark.Allen_at_pbdir.com>
You'll want majordomo software. You can find it at:
You'll need to have perl5 installed on your box. You can get
perl5 from
And I highly recommend, if you're going to be doing a lot of
bulk e-mailing you download, build and install the latest
Both packages build very nicely on DEC UNIX.
"Dave K>" <dkaplo01_at_tufts.edu>
SmartList, the Procmail addon.
It works great!
"Parris B. Wood" <pwood_at_widomaker.com>
I know of two. Majordomo and listproc.
You can find the two programs at:
You will want to snag version 1.94.4
Hope this helps.
Michele Tomkin <michele_at_uclink4.berkeley.edu>
We use Majordomo. This public domain software is available at:
This same site includes a mailing list:
as well as documentation.
You may also wish to take a look at "Managing Mailing Lists"
by Alan Schwartz (1998 published by O'Reilly). It discusses
free mailing list software: Majordomo, LISTSERV, ListProc
and SmartList.
Paul Crittenden <crittend_at_storm.simpson.edu>
We use majordomo. It works great.
Jim Williams <jim.williams_at_alaska.edu>
I use Majordomo. You can get it from
Annette Hearn * "Happiness doesn't come
hearn_a_at_hccs.cc.tx.us * from doing what we like
Lead System Administrator * to do but from liking
Houston Community College System* what we have to do."
* --Wilfred A. Peterson
Received on Tue May 05 1998 - 20:20:24 NZST