Processor corrected errors

From: Sophia Liow <Sophia.Liow_at_cmis.CSIRO.AU>
Date: Wed, 06 May 1998 16:21:26 +1000

We have a personal alphastation newly setup and configured
running DU 4.0D. It is reporting

WARNING: too many Processor corrected errors detected on cpu 0.
  Reporting suspended.

at regular intervals of about 10mins.

Is this hardware or software related? It looks to me hardware
but I could be wrong. I have 3 others exactly the same hardware
configuration and I have loaded the same software on them and
they dont give me that message.

Thanks for your help

(:----------------------* *------- Sophia ----------------- Liow -------:)
| +==^ , \ / CSIRO, Mathematical & Information Sciences |
| / , ! I Private Bag 10, Clayton South MDC, Clayton |
| !__ _ !_.!_ " _ I VICTORIA 3169, Australia. |
| !{_}!_}! ! % {_&. I Tel: +61 3 9545 8007 Fax: +61 3 9545 8080 |
| `==/ ! / \ email: sophia.liow_at_cmis.CSIRO.AU |
(:----------------------* *---------------------------------------------:)
Received on Wed May 06 1998 - 08:23:09 NZST

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