SUMM: help building sendmail 8.8.8

From: Leonardo Mosquera <>
Date: Wed, 13 May 1998 10:48:02 -0500

Hi everybody, thanks to all of you that took your time to help me, there
are a lot of possible solutions to this problem, so I joined all the
answers (until now) because I think someone could need them, first goes
my question and then the answers:

Hi everybody, I am trying to build sendmail 8.8.8 that I downloaded from
Digital place, but I get this error message:
 # makesendmail
 Configuration: os=OSF1, rel=V4.0, rbase=V4, rroot=V4.0, arch=alpha,
 Making in obj.OSF1.V4.0.alpha
 groff -Tascii -mandoc aliases.5 > aliases.0
 sh: groff: not found
 *** Exit 1


1) Ian Mortimer ( The error only refers to
making the man pages. You can just ignore it since the compilation
should have completed successfully by that stage.

2) Santosh Krishnan ( groff is the GNU variant of
troff. If you have troff, you could try to make a link and call it
groff. I haven't tried it, so I can't guarantee it, but since they are
supposed to be the same, I think it should work.You could also download
the GNU groff and try it out.

3) Dana Huggard ( Do this from the directory that
script is in, "cd obj*", then edit the Makefile. Your build of sendmail
has worked if you got this far, it's just the man pages that don't get
made. I printed out the .ps documents and have't actually read the
manpages from the install yet... I find between, the
sendmail book fom O'Reilly, and comp.mail.sendmail I get plenty of
usefull leads to the everchanging face of sendmail.

NROFF= nroff -Tascii
MANDOC= -man

4) Nestor Ruiz ( in the file :


just change the groff word, by nroff...
and you will be done.

5) Tom Smith (

a) Don't worry about it. It's only making the text version of the man
pages. The man pages themselves are already in the kit.
b) Look in the makefile (src/Makefiles/Makefile.OSF1). It uses groff.
   Either get groff from a GNU archive or change it to nroff:

        #NROFF= groff -Tascii
        NROFF= nroff -h

   If you do this, you'll also need to get and install the Berkeley
   troff macros. See the READ_ME in the top directory. It's the first
   thing discussed.

6) Michele Tomkin ( You probably do not
have "groff" , some variation of roff, installed. Most likely you do
have nroff. Find the makefile that defines groff and replace it with
"nroff". I would try "nroff -man" instead of "groff -Tascii -mandoc".

7) J.James(Jim)Belonis II ( groff is
not critical to compiling sendmail. Just comment out any groff lines in
the Makefile (or whereever they are). groff (Gnu roff) is a text
formatter that makes the man pages. You might also be able to use nroff
or some other roff clone that you might have sitting around.
Alternatively, you can try to find and install groff. It's free on Gnu
software distribution sites.

8) Dan Roscigno ( you dont have groff installed.
Either get that or if you have nroff installed then change the line in
the makefile to:

        NROFF= nroff -h

9) Reinhard Merz (
You can use instead: "/usr/bin/nroff -h"

10) Kevin Oberman ( groff is a popular formatting
package similar to nroff. You can get the latest from your favorite FSF
(GNU) archive. It built fine on my DU 4.0d system.

Thanks again folks.

Leonardo Mosquera
System Manager
Internet Telecom
Received on Wed May 13 1998 - 17:51:47 NZST

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