On our student mailserver (DU4.0B and qpopper2.41beta) we
use diskquota to limit the student popmailboxes to 2 MB (soft
and hard quotum the same)
Sendmail/mail delivers incoming mails just up to the limit of
2 MB and then stops. The result may be an uncomplete last mailmessage.
Qpopper sometimes has problems reading this uncomplete mail
and operator action is required to remove the corrupt mail.
Another problem is that qpopper uses a temporary file to copy
the mailbox. After processing the file it is copied back to
We've put the location of the temporary files on an other filesystem.
Unfortunately mailboxes that are over the quotum of 2MB aren't copied
back from the temp location to /usr/spool/mail. Again operator
action is required.
I've tried the popserver from Washington University but this
causes other problems (like very heavy loads for unknown reason).
If anyone has solved a similar problem i would very much like
to hear about a solution.
Maurice Steyvers
Universiteit Maastricht
Received on Fri May 15 1998 - 10:48:53 NZST