G'day Alpha-OSF-Managers,
Does anyone have a module for the TIS FWTK
http://www.tis.com/prodserv/fwtk/) to make it's authentication server
"authsrv" interact with a DU enhanced security password database? I'm not
concerned with account or password management from 'authsrv' just
verifying that the given password/username is correct. If I don't get any
response I'll just rework the "pass.c" myself.
What I'm trying to setup is a simple incoming telnet gateway/proxy on a
firewall host - users telnet to this host from outside, are authenticated
with their DU login/password, logins are checked against a list of
"allowed" remote users, after successful authentication they are
presented with a short menu of internal hosts to connect to, they are then
rlogin'd or telnet'd to the chosen internal (firewalled) host. Obviously
I'm not looking for major security here, just a simple way to let our
users remotely login to our currently firewalled hosts, but with
controlled exposure (ie. the list of "allowed" users) and the least admin
overhead (ie. uses their normal Unix password). Does anyone have any
suggestions besides the FWTK tn-gw?
Andrew "Alf" Leahy, phone: 02 47 360622
Unix Systems Administrator, mailto:alf_at_cit.nepean.uws.edu.au
School of Computing & IT, UWS Nepean
Received on Thu May 21 1998 - 18:05:27 NZST