NFS error

From: . <>
Date: Mon, 25 May 1998 11:31:33 -0300 (GMT-0300)


I'm running into the following pormapper error on every 5 hours. What can that
be? I'm running DU 4.0B with the latest patches installed.

The messages bellow appears on the NFS client. It has the /var/spool/mail
directory mounted from another machine.

May 25 00:16:22 bbs vmunix: clntkudp_create: socket bind problem, 48pmap-kgetpor
t: can't create RPC handler.
May 25 00:16:32 bbs vmunix: clntkudp_create: socket bind problem, 48
May 25 00:16:34 bbs vmunix: clntkudp_create: socket bind problem, 48pmap-kgetpor
t: can't create RPC handler.
May 25 00:16:38 bbs last message repeated 4 times
May 25 00:16:38 bbs vmunix: Portmapper ok
May 25 00:16:38 bbs vmunix: clntkudp_create: socket bind problem, 48pmap-kgetpor
t: can't create RPC handler.
May 25 00:16:41 bbs last message repeated 2 times
May 25 00:16:42 bbs vmunix: clntkudp_create: socket bind problem, 48

        Thank you,
Received on Mon May 25 1998 - 16:33:28 NZST

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