Q: getting a formatted list of C2 database

From: <pgouffon_at_charme.if.usp.br>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 18:56:32 -0300


        I have been looking at the u_unsuctty and u_unsuclog entries in the
C2 database, searching for possible attack attempts from a single point. In
order to get a time/date of some tentatives, I need to convert the u_unsuclog
value to something meaningful. Does someone have a nice script or program
that would make a list of the database, giving informations like username,
last login (successful and not), terminal of the last (successful or not)
access, etc...? Or even just a utility to convert u_unsuclog?


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email: pgouffon_at_if.usp.br |
Received on Mon Jun 01 1998 - 23:57:57 NZST

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