SUMMARY: df =/ du

From: Landkammer Jiří <>
Date: Mon, 08 Jun 1998 15:24:47 +0200


I must thank the following people for their replies:

Brett McCormick []
John P . Speno []
Jerome M Berkman []
Bruce Kelly []
Degerness, Mandell ITSD:EX []
Alexis Villagra []

My question was:
> I have only a small question. We have on our server(4.0B and patch kit
> 4) AdvFS and one domain was full on 97%.
> Filesystem 1024-blocks Used Available
> Capacity Mounted on
> apl_data_domain#data 11457024 11067032 382568 97%
> /mnt2
> We deleted some files(about 1GB), but df -k is constantly on 97%. If I
> run du -ks /mnt2 I get:
> du -ks /mnt2
> 10043040 /mnt2
> Why the information about used disk is differ?

Answer is:
if the files you deleted were open by a process (such as log files)
you need to kill off the process -- have you rebooted yet?

Use showfdmn instead of df to find how much free space is available on
AdvFS partitions

There are probably some open files. Deleted files do not give
back their space until the processes which have them open terminate.
The simplest thing is to reboot. If you can't do that, use "ps"
to find old processes and kill those you don't need. Or maybe
lsof will show you open files.

Jiri Landkammer
Received on Mon Jun 08 1998 - 15:26:44 NZST

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