SUMMARY : 'sar' for DU - Needed for CA-Unicenter ?

From: Fliguer, Miguel <>
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 1998 14:03:56 -0300

First of all, thanks to :

Vipul Patel
Dr. Tom Blinn
Scott Plummer

In a nutshell :

   a) SVE is a separate kit, located in one of the Associated
        Products CDs

   b) You can't get a "free" 'sar' for DU for any money ;-) If you
        find one, it's almost 100% sure it was 'extracted' from the
        SVE distribution (or compiled from System V sources), and
        you will violate the license by using it (believe it or not,
        even in Argentina).

   c) Scott says :

> I'm using CA-UniCenter on numerous Alpha platforms running DU
3.2G. I am
> not aware that this 'sar' is needed and I am not running the
SVE layered
> product. I have tested with DU 4.0D and again I am not
running this
> product and haven't experienced problems. I will say that I
am not running
> spool or security management as yet so if this is a
requirement it might
> have to do most likely with spool management.

So perhaps we may not need 'sar' or SVE after all. This is good. We'll
back with our CA reps.

Thanks again !

Miguel Fliguer
Miniphone S.A. - Buenos Aires, Argentina
Original Question follows :
>Hello folks !
>I was digging into the archives looking for the 'sar' utility.
>As I understand it, 'sar' is a part of the SVE (System V Environment)
>which is a layered product (which I couldn't find on the distribution).
>But somebody from the list pointed out that SVE will replace some 
>BSD functionalities, like lpr. And, last but not least, that SVE will
>a license.
>We wondered if we could just grab the 'sar' binaries from somewhere
>on the net and got them working on DU 4.0B, instead of having to 
>purchase a license for a product that probably will cripple our system
>Did anybody ever see a free 'sar' around ?
>Also, is anybody here using CA-Unicenter for DU ? Our local CA people
>told us that 'sar' is a requirement for that.
>Any help will be greatly appreciated and summarized.
Received on Tue Jun 09 1998 - 19:04:27 NZST

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