Hi managers,
In the SPD for the HSOF 3.2, the software requirements talk about DU
3.2c , 3.2d. 3.2g. 4.0, 4.0a and 4.0b. This SPD was dated from January
Can I suppose that there is no problem with 4.0d?
Jean- Francois Blanchet Le Directeur general des
Technologie Unix-Oracle elections du Quebec
Tel : (418) 644-9339 3460 de la Perade
Fax: (418) 643-7291 Sainte-Foy (Quebec)
B: jfblanchet_at_dgeq.qc.ca G1X 3Y5
M: jfblanchet_at_videotron.ca CANADA
Received on Wed Jun 10 1998 - 16:55:22 NZST