Dear Digital UNIX gurus,
While modifying a script for POSIX-sh, which happens to be ksh, I
came accros a problem which melts down to what is reported below (sorry for
the lengthy output).
Note that:
- POSIX/ksh was initially required for some features not available in sh;
- command grouping (...) is required because the actual script is more
evolved than a simple while-do loop;
- the current version now runs under plain sh, so there is no longer a
problem for me.
I'd just like to know if this is "a bug or a feature", or just bad shell
syntax on my account ...
% cat readabc
echo "=== ... << ==="
while read A B C; do echo $A $B $C; done <<EOF
a b c
x y z
echo "=== ... 9<< ==="
while read A B C <&9 ; do echo $A $B $C; done 9<<EOF
a b c
x y z
echo "=== (...) << ==="
(while read A B C; do echo $A $B $C; done) <<EOF
a b c
x y z
echo "=== (...) 9<< ==="
(while read A B C <&9 ; do echo $A $B $C; done) 9<<EOF
a b c
x y z
echo "===EOF==="
% sh readabc
=== ... << ===
a b c
x y z
=== ... 9<< ===
a b c
x y z
=== (...) << ===
a b c
x y z
=== (...) 9<< ===
a b c
x y z
% ksh readabc
=== ... << ===
a b c
x y z
=== ... 9<< ===
a b c
x y z
=== (...) << ===
a b c
x y z
=== (...) 9<< ===
a b c
Oops, where did the second line (and following ones if there were) go ?
With more evolved input and from a file rather than a here-document, I get
even stranger output.
OS: Digital UNIX 4.0D + most of jumbo patch #1
Thanks in advance for any comments,
- Serge
- -
Serge Munhoven Internet:
Universite Catholique de Louvain Phone (office): ++32-10-478032
CESAME - Applied Mechanics Division (division): ++32-10-472350
Av. Georges Lemaitre, 4 Fax: ++32-10-472180
B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium - Europe) Office: a.011
- -
Received on Thu Jul 02 1998 - 17:51:08 NZST