Thanks to
Efren Fitz Rodriguez,
Vladas Lapinskas,
Antonio Montes,
Robert Otterson
My original question was:
I installed Perl-5.004 and Satan 1.1.1 on a DUNIX 4.0D workstation.
When I run satan without argument Netscape browser starts.
The problem arise when I select "SATAN Target selection": in this case
Netscape shows a window asking me to select a file to save instead of let me
to do a right target selection.
Vladas says:
You must change your Netscape preferences:
change text/* application 'Handled-by' to path to your perl, for
example /usr/bin/perl. As well do it with 'Perl'.
Antonio says:
Look at the SAINT page ( Take this opportunity
to download SAINT which is claimed to be the replacement for SATAN.
Bob says:
Satan seems to have problems with the Newer Browsers.
I had to go back to Mosaic( if your old enough to remember).
An old version of Netscape should work(v2.0 was suggested to me).
Efren says:
It have to see with the Browser,
you have to delete the suffix "pl" from the Helpers of the
I followed Efren's way. Now my SATAN works fine.
Thanks to all and long life to osf-managers!
Isidoro Sepe - Telesoft spa
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Received on Thu Jul 09 1998 - 16:05:42 NZST