I just applied all of patch kit 3 to a plain vanilla DU 4.0D setup
(upgraded only a few weeks ago). The patch process seemed to go OK, with
no special instructions given, or clashes with layered products called out
(haven't installed any layered products yet).
All seemed to go well until the reboot after the kernel rebuild. Now name
resolution does not work. ping, telnet, ftp etc. cannot find machine
names - IP addresses work fine. Curious thing is that NFS mounts go ahead
OK - guess they use a different method to resolve names, and PINE works OK
too even though its accessing a mail server across campus.
Any ideas what might have killed the name resolution - I even de-installed
patches 98 and 101 from the distribution but to no avail. Has anyone
else done this install and/or seen this behaviour?
Many thanks in advance.
Paul A. Scowen
Assistant Research Scientist
Department of Physics & Astronomy
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1504
Tel (602) 965-0938
FAX (602) 965-7954
Email: paul.scowen_at_asu.edu
WWW: http://tycho.la.asu.edu/scowen.html
Received on Mon Jan 11 1999 - 21:03:28 NZDT