SUMMARY: vdump return codes

From: Charles Vachon <>
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 13:29:59 -0500

Many thanks to Paul.Casteels <> for replying to
this query.


Original question:

Hello SysAdmins,

In order to perfect a home-made backup wrapper shell which calls vdump,
I'm trying to figure out the return codes output by the vdump command.

So far, I have observed the following:

0, if the backup completed without any error or warning.

1, if there was at least one file which could not be backup up, e.g. the

file was enlisted when the vdump built it's list of files, then the file

no longer exists when vdump tried to backup it up. Calling vdump without

any arguments will display it's syntax and also return a code of 1.

Are there any other return code values. Specifically, are more severe
conditions (e.g. a bad tape) reported using a distinct code? The
vdump(8) man page does not even mention the use of return codes.



Paul's experiences with the vdump return code match mine: it seems that
a 0 is returned when all went perfect, and a non-zero (shells output a
1, perl sees a -1) value otherwise. So there is no way in the actual
implementation of vdump (as of DU v4.0D) to use the return code to
differentiate runs with warnings from ones with more severe conditions.

Again, thanks Paul.

Charles Vachon tel: (418) 627-6355 x2760
  Administrateur de système
  FRCQ/Ministère des Ressources
  Naturelles du Québec
Received on Tue Jan 19 1999 - 18:33:54 NZDT

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