PWS600au and MSB-card

From: Per Boussard T/VU <>
Date: Thu, 21 Jan 1999 14:32:34 +0100 (MET)


I'd like to know if anybody out there is running a PWS600au with a
MSB-board. The MSB-board is the Microsoft Windows Soundsystem board (ISA),
based on the 1884-chip (not the crappy on-board disaster based on the
ESS-1888 or ESS-1887 chip). I can make the board produce ~2 seconds of
fine sound, then digital garbage, then (in some cases) a system crash. It
all works perfectly fine on a 500-system. I'd like to know if others have
a working setup with this.


Per Boussard, KI/ERA/T/VU          Office: +46 8 404 55 11
UNIX System Administrator          Fax: +46 8 757 55 50
Ericsson Radio Systems AB          Home: +46 8 570 349 67
S-164 80 STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN         Email:
Received on Thu Jan 21 1999 - 13:33:28 NZDT

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