Thanks goes out to the following people for providing the solution:
John Speno
Oyanarte Portilho
The following are what they said:
With enhanced security, you must "register" all of your terminals, and X
You can use /tcb/bin/edauth -d t to edit each terminals entry.
For each host, you need to create an entry such as this example:\:0:\\:0:\
Of course, you can use different params and values in your own configs.
You should read up on enhanced security in the manuals for details.
You should edit devassign and ttys in /etc/auth/system in order to
include your boxes running the X server software, aside including
them in /etc/hosts or in the dns databasis. Then run
/usr/tcb/bin/convauth -dtv
and that should be all.
I ended up editing my /etc/auth/system/ttys file and the ran convauth
afterwards. Replacing the
with a
on both lines seemed to work for me. However, I chose to use explicit
hostnames because we are not allowing everyone to get on our box. The choice
to use the * is, of course, yours. Thanks again!
> ----------
> From: Lee, Hank[]
> Sent: Friday, January 22, 1999 11:10 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: X after C2 security
> Hello,
> I hope someone can give me a clue as to where to start looking. I've been
> using an X server software to connect to our alpha 8400, and it worked
> just
> fine. We're running 4.0D. Last week, we ran secsetup to change the system
> from BASE to ENHANCED security. We then rebooted the machine. For some
> reason, after the conversion, when I tried to login using the X server
> software, I'm getting an error.
> The error message says "Cannot obtain database information on this
> terminal". It then kicks me out after clicking on the OK button. I don't
> even get to enter a username and password.
> This problem goes away after changing the system back to BASE mode and
> rebooting.
> Can anyone shed some light? Thanks!
> --
> Hank Lee <>
> UNIX Systems Administrator
> Basis Administrator
> Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority
Received on Fri Jan 22 1999 - 21:52:03 NZDT