wow, that was fast. in minutes i recived 4 answers which helped me a lot.
thank you very much!!
my first question was:
>tar problem
>i just encountered a problem with the tar command.
>on my du4.0d i made a cold backup of an oracle database. when resoring the
>data from tape i noticed that the suid and sgid were not stored to tape
>and after the recovery i had to set them by hand again.
>the online docu does not tell anything about suid or sgid bits.
>my questions are:
>1. is that a festure or a bur - is there a workaround
>2. which other tools do have this feature/bug (cpio, dump, ...)
>3. which tool for backing up oracle dbs do you prefer.
and here the answer:
tar will save permissions to tape if you have the access rights, but you need the -p
flag to set them on restore.
By the way, the tcopy command is very useful to find out what is on a tape in
the way of number of savesets etc.
In general though, it is not a good idea to use tar to backup *filesystems*.
Individual files yes,
file systems no. I have no specific Oracle experience though.
See the paper of Elizabeth Zwicky on torture testing backup programs
for details of "not a good idea".
thanks to Burch Seymou and Oisin McGuinness
----------------------------end question 1
my second question was:
>mt problem
>on du4.0d i tried to make store several tar archives to one tape. to do so
>i made the first tar at the beginning of the tape then i wanted to
>position the tape at the end of written data on tape. although i tried
>several times i could not figure out how that is done and how one can
>navigate through different files on tape
>can anybody please explain and/or give an example?
and here the answer:
As regards the multiple save set issue, the key things are
a) use the non-rewind tape device
b) learn about the fsf option to the mt command for restores.
For example, to tar two file systems to tape:
setenv TAPE /dev/nrmt0h
foreach fs ( /mnt1 /mnt2 )
tar cf $TAPE $fs
To restore the 2nd from tape:
setenv TAPE /dev/nrmt0h
mt fsf 1
tar xpf
thanks to Burch Seymour, Gavin Kreuiter, Partin.Kevin, Oisin McGuinness
----------------------------end question 2
clemens schmuck - systemadministator
edv-zentrum universitaet salzburg +43 (0)662 8044 6731
hellbrunnerstr. 34
5020 salzburg, austria
get my public key from
Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 14:54:21 NZDT