Hi dear managers :
Where can I find out information about vdump exit values or returned codes
from vdump...
This is the situation :
Yesterday a vdump buck up failed with the following code :36
Today, the back up failed with code 57...
What does it mean ?, Where can I find it out ?..
Cristian Ramirez Villarroel
> * SONDA S.A. Teatinos 574, Piso 4, Santiago-Chile
> * Tel. (56 2) 6962277
7 Fax (56 2) 2471031
> * mailto:cristian.ramirez_at_sonda.cl
"Centenaria es la historia que escribes...ILLAPEL tierra de oro y de sol"
Received on Thu Feb 04 1999 - 13:20:28 NZDT