I found following entries in syslog:
Feb 4 19:54:27 hostname libcsa: hostname: RPC: Program not registered
Feb 4 19:54:27 hostname libcsa: hostname: RPC: Program not registered
Feb 4 20:17:40 hostname syslog: libtt[8597]: ttdt_Xt_input_handler():
tttk_message_receive(): TT_ERR_NOMP^INo ttsession proc
ess is running, probably because tt_open() has not been called yet. If this code is returned from tt_open() it means ttsess
ion could not be started, which generally means ToolTalk is not installed on this system.
Feb 4 20:17:40 hostname syslog: libtt[8597]: ttdt_Xt_input_handler():
tttk_message_receive(): TT_ERR_NOMP^INo ttsession proc
ess is running, probably because tt_open() has not been called yet. If this code is returned from tt_open() it means ttsess
ion could not be started, which generally means ToolTalk is not installed on this system.
Feb 4 20:17:40 hostname syslog: libtt[8547]: ttdt_Xt_input_handler():
tttk_message_receive(): TT_ERR_NOMP^INo ttsession proc
ess is running, probably because tt_open() has not been called yet. If this code is returned from tt_open() it means ttsess
ion could not be started, which generally means ToolTalk is not installed on this system.
Feb 4 20:17:40 hostname syslog: libtt[8547]: ttdt_Xt_input_handler():
tttk_message_receive(): TT_ERR_NOMP^INo ttsession proc
ess is running, probably because tt_open() has not been called yet. If this code is returned from tt_open() it means ttsess
ion could not be started, which generally means ToolTalk is not installed on this system.
The rpcttdbserverd is disabled in inetd.conf, also most of the rpc
services, including:
#dtspcd: CDE Subprocess Control Service, not really sure what it does.
#dtspc stream tcp nowait root /usr/dt/bin/dtspcd dtspcd
#rpc.cmsd: Calendar manager service daemon, needed if your users want
# to schedule meetings with each other using the CDE calander app.
#rpc.cmsd/2-4 dgram rpc/udp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.cmsd rpc.cmsd
#rpc.ttdbserverd: RPC-based ToolTalk database serve, tooltalk is some
# of the glue that holds the CDE together.
#rpc.ttdbserverd stream rpc/tcp wait root /usr/dt/bin/rpc.ttdbserverd rpc.ttdbserverd
#dnacml stream tcp nowait daemon /usr/sbin/cml /usr/sbin/cml
#psw stream tcp nowait root /usr/opt/psw/psw_agent_server psw_agent_server -x/dev/null
#psefarm dgram udp wait root /usr/sbin/farmd farmd -farm psefarm
Could anyone tell me what caused these lines to be logged. I
realize that these are two different problems - libcsa and some CDE mess.
The machine is running 4.0D with Jumbo#3 patch. TIA.
Martin Mokrejs - PGP 5.0i key at: finger://mail.natur.cuni.cz/mmokrejs
<mmokrejs_at_natur.cuni.cz> Faculty of Science, The Charles University
Received on Sat Feb 06 1999 - 21:12:49 NZDT