ASDU - Domain

From: Tina Stevnhoved <>
Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 14:39:36 +0100


A few days ago I asked the questions shown below, about domains and trusted
relationsship between NT-domain and ASDU-domain. I received some answers,
and specially one from was usable. Anyway, it
didn't solve all the problems.

When I try to reach the UNIX-domain from the NT-domain (as Robert suggested)
it ends out with this message: Could not find domain controller for this
domain. The domains still can't find each other, so there may be something
wrong in the setup I guess. Does anybody have any futher suggestions about
this problem?

I asked:

Right now it is possible to connect to the shares on an UNIX-station from a
NT-station. But every time I'm connecting, I'm asked for loginname and
password so it is necessary to create the user both in the NT-domain and in
the UNIX-domain, which make double user administration. I think it's because
there isn't a trusted relationship between the two domains. I have read that
it should be possible to give users from a NT-domaine directly permissions
to access an Advanced Server Domain. Does anyone know if that is correct?

I have a DNS-server in both the NT-domain and the UNIX-domain, and those two
DNS's do normally "speak together". Do they also bring the information about
the trusted relationship to each other?

Can someone tell me how to make a trusted relationship between a NT-domain
and a UNIX-domain? I think - whitout knowing it - that it is at the
ASDU-server I have to change something. answered:

You are very close to getting this right. To use the NT user database a
relation has to be setup such that "Unix trusts NT". The way to do this is
twofold. You need to change something on NT and on Unix.

NT: Open up user manager for domains and go to the policies menu and select
trust relationships. In the trustING domains click add. Then enter the ASDU
domain. You will need to put in the password for the administrator.

Unix: Still in user manager. Go to the file menu and select Select Domain.
Choose the unix domain. Go to policies -> trust relationships again. This
in the trustED domains click add. Type in the NT domain name and the
administrator password.

If all goes will and this change replicates amongst all PDC's and BDC's.
you should be able to give access to ASDU shares to people in the NT domain.

Thereby reducing administration overhead's. Plus you can pass administration
it off to a nearby NT admin :)


Tina Stevnhoved
Received on Wed Feb 17 1999 - 13:40:27 NZDT

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