TCR 1.5 kit 2 fails if AdvFS domain name matches in /etc/fstab

From: Claude Scarpelli <>
Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 00:03:00 +0100

This information has not been notified to Digital yet. We think that
people upgrading from ASE TCR 1.4a to TCR 1.5 kit #2 should carefully
check their current configuration (AdvFS domain name vs NFS server
name in /etc/fstab). Under certain circumstances, TCR 1.5 will not be
able to start the NFS services, leaving the services down.

We consider this as a bug. It is our hope that this information will
save your time. We are proposing a fix, which works for us. Obviously
this is not an official fix from Digital.

When ASE starts an NFS service, it runs the ase_mount_action
script. This script calls a ksh function InFstab (defined in the file
/var/ase/lib/FsRoutines), with a filesystem as parameter. With AdvFS,
filesystem consists of a string of the type domain#fileset. The
purpose of the InFstab function is to check if the filesystem is not
actually used, by checking it is not present if /etc/fstab.

Unfortunately, the check is done by doing grep on the domain part of
the filesystem, WITHOUT keeping the # character.

If a line of /etc/fstab contains the string "domain", a successfull
match is returned. ase_mount_action reports it with the error message
(daemon.log) "domain#fileset conflicts with an entry in
/etc/fstab". ASE is down.

This may happen in many situations. In our case, the domain part of
the filesystem matched the name of an NFS host ! Your mileage may vary.

We modified the InFstab function in /var/ase/lib/FsRoutines to keep
the # character in the grep command, by changing line number 284 from

Since we are only using AdvFS in ASE, we do not check if other parts
of InFstab should be corrected too (parts dealing with LSM volumes or
plain block devices).

Claude Scarpelli                            | Defenestrate: to exit a window
Centre National de Séquençage - GENOSCOPE   | onscreen. (Time International
2, rue Gaston Crémieux, F-91000 EVRY FRANCE | Vol 146, No. 20, Nov 13, 1995)
Received on Wed Feb 17 1999 - 23:03:49 NZDT

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