Hello again,
first i have to amend my last summary (SUMMARY:DECevent) where i stated
taht "dia -R -i informationals" would give the same as "uerf -Rr 300".
It surely gives startup information but a "dia -R -i osf_entry=300" will
do it right on target.
Now my second quetsion:
Following the dia manpage
> The following is a list of valid keywords that may be used with
> the -i or -x flags. Each keyword may be followed by a value.
> For example: -i OS=OSF.
> bugchecks cache configurations
> control_entries cpus dates
> device_errors device_number disks
> environmental_entries hosts informationals
> ios io_subsystems mchks
> machine_checks memory nodes
> os osf_entry operating_systems
> pwr power sequence_numbers
> swi software_informationals sync_communications
> tapes unknown_entries
this are all possible entry points to requested via the -i switch. But
you have to give a number too, so which ones are valid? Is there any
mit freundlichen Gruessen
Reimund Willig
e-mail: willig.reimund_at_gdr.de
tel: +49-5205-941747
fax: +49-5205-941725
** Schwer ist leicht was **
Received on Tue Feb 23 1999 - 13:17:01 NZDT