reboot necessary after creating PTYs?

From: Andreas Heckwolf <>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 11:12:34 +0200


I've got a strange problem with expect and PTYs on 4.0C. Expect reported not
enough PTYs when I tried to spawn a process. The error message remained even
after creating many more PTYs. If a user that belongs to the group system is
doing exactly the same, it works. So what's wrong here, what did I miss ?

Thanks in advance,


$ id
uid=3001(mds) gid=600(mds)
$ expect
expect1.1> spawn ftp
spawn ftp
The system has no more ptys. Ask your system administrator to create more.
    while executing
"spawn ftp"
$ id
uid=3001(mds) gid=600(mds) groups=0(system)
$ expect
expect1.1> spawn ftp
spawn ftp
Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Heckwolf               Voice : +358 9 700 11600
  Oy Comptel Ab                           Fax: +358 9 700 11207
    Ruoholahdenkatu 8      00180 Helsinki         Finland
Received on Thu Feb 25 1999 - 09:19:23 NZDT

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