I want to ask you 3 things:
1. when I have usr_domain on /dev/rz8g(in 1 Gb), and I remove this file
domain and recreate it
with new BMT parameters(-x 512 -p 14400) in the same space(in 1Gb), without
adding new disks, will work?
I mean, can a filedomain be recreated in the same space with increased BMT
2. in single-user mode, how can I make the tape device (e.g. rmt0h)?
How can I use vrestore from it?An example will be sufficient!
3. Can I use rmfdmn, rmfset, mkfset, mkfdmn in single-user mode (/ mounted
thanks to all
Catalin H. Ciontu
Opinions are my own, not of my employer, Golden Pages ROMANIA.
Received on Tue Mar 02 1999 - 08:59:38 NZDT