[Q] Where is Jetadmin Soft for 4.0E?

From: Michael Burns <burns_m_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 02 Mar 1999 10:17:08 -0800 (PST)

Dear Managers,

DEC-ro-nyms aside, Where-O-where can I find
HP's Jet Admin software that will work on a
GS140 (or GS60)(better known as 8400s or
8200s] running 4.0E as in:

Used to be OSF up to 3.2c (or was it 3.2g) and
then known as Digital Unix at the 4.0 rev level)
until Compaq [or is it Compac] bought Digital
[formerly known as Digital Equipment Corporation
-DEC for insiders] and now the Operating System
is known as Tru64 (whether or not you can afford
the money for a truCluster memory channel] and
this version is 4.0E.
(P.S. Pardon my sarcasm but operating systems are
complicated enough without all those Marketing folks
adding to the confusion)
Again My question:

Where can I find HP's jetadmin (printer queue
configuration) software for Tru64 4.0E?

Immediate replies are very much appreciated

Mike Burns at

(P.S.II the "alfa" is for those little Italian sports cars -
we all need a break from the other "alpha" ...eh?)


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Received on Tue Mar 02 1999 - 18:22:46 NZDT

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