'cheap' 24bit video cards for Unix AlphaStation 255's?

From: Andrew Leahy <A.Leahy_at_cit.nepean.uws.edu.au>
Date: Tue, 09 Mar 1999 01:36:18 +1100 (EST)

Do such things exist? I'm after a "cheap" entry-level 24bit capable video
card to replace the 8bit video cards we have in our labs of AlphaStation
255's running DU4.0E.

The price I got from a DEC rep was over AU$1300 (ex.tax) each for a 4D20
card. This is 15 times more than what we pay for the video cards in our

At the moment we have a mixture of #9 S3Trio64's and ATI-Mach64's (I think
they are 3D10 or 3D30's). The S3's are great, the ATI's have colourmap
problems and also intermittently hang the X console :-(

Am I stuck having to buy 'DEQ branded' video cards or are there
alternatives? I guess the problem is getting cards which are supported by
the X server. Why do I feel tempted to install Linux/Alpha over the top of

Thanks for any advice!
Andrew "Alf" Leahy, phone: +61 2 47 360622
Unix Systems Administrator, fax: +61 2 47 370770
School of Computing & IT, UWS Nepean http://www.cit.nepean.uws.edu.au/~alf/
Received on Mon Mar 08 1999 - 14:41:57 NZDT

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