Some of our end-users need the ability to display the status of all
pending batch jobs (their own and everybody else's) so they can
schedule new jobs appropriately. Typically, I as "root" have been
using the "atq" command to display this information. When a
non-privileged user executes the same command they see only their
jobs. Is their a simple way to give users the ability to see all
pending jobs on the queue? Is there another command? I thought by
setting "suid" permission on the "atq" command they would adopt root
privileges and see the whole picture, but that didn't change a thing.
I've also thought of possibly calling this command from inside a small
"C" program which has "suid" set, but I see from the archives (for this
list) that making system command calls from a "suid" program is not very
Any other suggestions?
Received on Fri Apr 02 1999 - 17:03:39 NZST