Sorry it has taken a while to get this summary posted, but things
have been VERY hectic around here lately.
I now have NSR support through Compaq. The rep that was telling me
Compaq was no longer providing support was incorrect.
Thanks to those who responded. The following response from William
H. Magill gives a good explanation of how the support is being
> The statement is true, but the understanding is wrong.
> With 5.2 Digital (now Compaq) licensed?sold? NSR to Legato as their 64
> bit Y2K complaint solution.
> Begining with 5.2; the NSR and Legato version number match because
> they are now from the same code base.
> Part of the deal was that Legato would continue to provide the Tru64
> server and clients to Digital/Compaq.
> ergo.... Digital no-longer "supports" (read provides code writers)
> NSR/Legato. However, unless things have changed in the past 24 hours,
> CCS still supports (answeres queries) about NSR and Compaq
> sells/bundles that support into the base server license in most cases.
> When you call CCS, I do not know if you get Compaq or Legato people to
> call you back, but the folks I have dealt with in the past 2-3 months
> appear much more knowedgable about NSR than the folks from 6-12 months
> ago.
> It may be, as when you call Microsoft for support, you have a 50% (or
> greater, I forget) chance of getting a Compaq MSE - since Compaq
> provides a large chunck of Microsoft's support under contract - that
> there is a similar situation now with Compaq and Legato - that Compaq
> has "outsourced" their support of Legato's product, back to Legato.
> But as long as Compaq takes my money for a support contract, I'll lean
> on them.
Original question:
> My local Compaq rep is telling me that Compaq is no longer providing
> support for NSR. I knew that the licensing method was changing for
> NSR 5.2, but I had heard nothing about this dropping of support. Has
> anyone else heard of this? I would hate to think we would be
> dependent on Legato for support. I have heard that their support is
> expensive & poor.
[ Randy Rodgers
[ Senior Systems Programmer
[ Allen County/City of Fort Wayne
[ Information Systems
[ (219)427-5727
Received on Fri Apr 09 1999 - 14:27:11 NZST