Original question:
> Hello,
> I was wondering whether anyone knows if the Carnegie Cyrus IMSP server
> works with C2 mode in DU4.0D?
> http://andrew2.andrew.cmu.edu/cyrus/
> Also, can Cisco's XTACACSD authenicate against DU in C2 mode?
Though I received replies to the effect that both products would work,
the IMSP server does not work with C2 Security out of the box. I have
not received any information that gives me any impression that it will
*Note* I stated that I was interested in the IMSP information, which is a
totally different server than IMAP.
XTACACS may work, but not out of the box.
-Adrian Cole
Systems Manager
Hood College
Received on Sat Apr 10 1999 - 16:18:47 NZST