Participate in LISA '99: A Call for Submissions to Sys Admin Conference

From: Cynthia Deno <>
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 1999 23:10:21 -0800

The Only Conference By and For System Administrators. The LISA experience
is special because the entire program is assembled by veteran systems
administrators who know first-hand the issues you face, and what factors
are important in devising solutions.

November 7-12, 1999
Seattle, Washington, USA
Co-sponsored by USENIX, The Advanced Computing Systems Association and
SAGE, The System Administrators Guild

Call for Participation:

The Program Committee invites you to contribute to the LISA '99 Conference.
Submissions of refereed papers or other presentations which address any
aspect of systems administration (including user support, workstation and
server administration, network management, security and incident handling,
and site-wide planning and design) are very welcome. We offer mentoring and
shepherding for the less experience writer/presenter.
Extended abstracts due: May 25, 1999
Invited Talk Proposals due: May 25, 1999
Notification to authors: June 30, 1999
Final papers/Invited Talks due: September 19, 1999
The USENIX Association's international membership includes engineers,
scientists, and technicians working on the cutting edge of systems and
software. SAGE is devoted to the advancement and recognition of system
administration as a profession.
Received on Mon Apr 12 1999 - 06:14:00 NZST

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