I'm Daniele Chiaromonte.
I have another problem, and I hope you may help me again.
I have an alphastation 255/233 with a V4.0d Digital Unix operating
When I boot the machine from its hard-disk gives me this error:
(boot dka0. -flags A)
block 0 of dka0. is a valid boot block
....... omissis ...
Loading vmunix symbol table ... [1309424 bytes]
halted CPU 0
halt code=2
kernel stack not valid halt
PC = 180f8
boot failure
Important: I've partitioned all disks with AdvancedFS:
root_domain#root /
usr_domain#usr /usr
etc. etc. etc.
With kindest regards.
Yours sincerly,
Daniele Chiaromonte
Received on Tue Apr 27 1999 - 09:53:07 NZST