I have a Personal Workstation 433A which we recently bought,
since it is a 433A which the reseller loaded unix onto rather than NT,
we don't have any of the installation guides regarding unix.
Therefore I have the following question":
1) The system comes with a daughter card of sorts, with
a multi-pin cable and an extra RJ45 jack. Is it necessary
to install this daughter card to have 100BaseT access?
2) If not, then what is it necessary to do?
Another related question: I have four other machines,
two DEC 3000-700's and two Alphastation 200/4-100.
Are there any 100baseT adapters available for these machines?
If so, where?
The DEC 3000's are of course a turbochannel bus so it may be tough
to get those, but I would expect the Alphastations, with PCI and EISA
slots, ought to have some card that is supported under unix to do
the job. If I remember right, the default internet interface
is on the motherboard in the latter machines.
Steve Timm
Received on Wed Apr 28 1999 - 17:37:45 NZST