I am told that the new Tru64 UNIX V4.0F kits are shipping now in the US.
Those of you who recieve updated media through the subscription service
may have received your kits already. I've received a kit but I get it
through an internal distribution list.
Updated on-line documentation is on the Web (in the usual place, start
from www.unix.digital.com). You can find the list of what's on each of
the CDROM parts in the kit from the main V4.0F doc index page. And of
course, the announcement information is there as well, but we announced
this new release a while back.
This release adds support for new EV6 based system platforms and for a
FibreChannel attached SCSI storage subsystem, as well as a whole lot of
maintenance fixes since earlier releases. See the release notes (on the
Web or in your media kit) for a fairly complete description.
You can installupdate to V4.0F from V4.0D or V4.0E. If you are running
V4.0D, you do not need to update to V4.0F for Year 2000 compliance. If
you are running a version older than V4.0D, remember that you do need to
get to at least V4.0D to have a supported configuration for Year 2000.
If you are using Adobe Display PostScript libraries to support X Window
System applications, be sure to read the sections in the release notes
on the retirement of support for Adobe Display PostScript in the V4.0F
If you are using the "joind" support for DHCP or bootp protocols, read
the section on post-update tasks you must perform; the V4.0F release has
a new version of "joind" support that requires that you convert an older
database to a new format, and it is a manual task.
Dr. Thomas P. Blinn + UNIX Software Group + Compaq Computer Corporation
110 Spit Brook Road, MS ZKO3-2/W17 Nashua, New Hampshire 03062-2698
Technology Partnership Engineering Phone: (603) 884-0646
Internet: tpb_at_zk3.dec.com Digital's Easynet: alpha::tpb
ACM Member: tpblinn_at_acm.org PC_at_Home: tom_at_felines.mv.net
Worry kills more people than work because more people worry than work.
Keep your stick on the ice. -- Steve Smith ("Red Green")
My favorite palindrome is: Satan, oscillate my metallic sonatas.
-- Phil Agre, pagre_at_ucsd.edu
Yesterday it worked / Today it is not working / UNIX is like that
-- apologies to Margaret Segall
Opinions expressed herein are my own, and do not necessarily represent
those of my employer or anyone else, living or dead, real or imagined.
Received on Fri May 07 1999 - 16:12:42 NZST