Summary: Installing additional memory/CPU's on an 8400

From: <>
Date: Thu, 13 May 1999 08:32:20 +0100

Apologies if you end up getting about three of these summaries. I have been
trying to post an updated summary and the list keeps coming back with
something about sending a reply... I'll keep trying.

I recently sent out a summary of information regarding adding additional
CPU's and memory
to TRUcluster system(s).

This was running ORACLE. Although not relevant to the actual query, I was
asked by a number of people what additions had been made to oracle parameter
files to support the extra CPU's. Quoted below is some information from one
of our DBA's which should hopefully answer the question:

"Two parameters apply
log_simultaneous_copies = 2 * # of CPU's
If latch contention is of concern
db_block_lru_latches = # of CPU's
CPU_COUNT is a value Oracle calculates from the OS so it knows the number
but does not dynamically set these values. These parameters are documented
in Oracle 8 Reference Manual."

The original summary follows.

On the 7/5/99 I sent out the following:

Hi all...

We are installing an additional 2 CPU's and 4gb memory into a two node ASE
cluster tonight.

The plan is complete and ready to go. I have but one question: after
installation of the CPU's and memory, do I need to rebuild the kernel or
will this be picked up automatically?

Many thanks - Tony

I had replies from the following:

Vayro, Drew []
Cy Dewhurst []
Robert Kubarych []
Richard L Jackson Jr []
North, Walter []
Sysadmin []
Rob Shurtleff []
Alan Angulo []
Dr. Tom
Bryan Lavelle []
Tom Webster []
Genius []

Basically, we had to do nothing at all. We were already SMP compliant with
multiple CPU's already active. I installed the additional OSF-BASE licences
and all was fine.

Our DBA was already on the case as to changing the init.ora file to reflect
the additional CPU's now available. suggested that I DID need to rebuild the
kernel. However, the general consensus was that I did not need to.

The plan worked a treat. Everything (for once) worked exactly to the plan.
No kernel rebuilds were required. 'psrinfo -v' showed the additional CPU's
in and active and 'vmstat -P' show the additional memory in and active.

I am going to add additional swap space just to be on the safe side.

A couple of people asked me for the DUNIX version (sorry, I didn't put this
in - 4.0d + jumbo-2).

The info from Cy Dewhurst sums up the advice best:

"A bit of tuning may be an advantage after the installation, but the
memory and CPU's are picked up automatically and do not require a kernel
rebuild or any specific tuning. This is dependant upon SMP being configured
into the kernel already. If your system is already licensed as an SMP
cluster/ has more than one
processor (psrinfo) chances are this is the case.

Your best bet for tuning is the performance management guide.

There are other factors to consider: For instance, with Informix you may
decide to use VP-CPU assignment to make better use of the additional CPUs
rather then relying on SMP
scheduling. Not sure if Oracle has similar features but it may be worth
checking. From what I've seen this is generally best left to SMP, but heh,
may be off topic in your scenario so I'll shut up "

Many thanks for all your help. Speedy responses as ever. I had answers
coming in before I had received my copy of the initial posting.

Regards - Tony

| TONY MILLER - Systems Projects - VODAFONE LTD, Derby House, |
| Newbury Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire. |
| Phone | 01635-507687(local) |
| FAX | 01635-583856 |

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this mail are my own and do not
reflect the company view unless explicitly stated. The information
is provided on an 'as is' basis and no responsibility is accepted for
any system damage howsoever caused.
Received on Thu May 13 1999 - 07:35:39 NZST

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