SUMMARY: logins fail when nfs server down

From: <>
Date: Fri, 21 May 1999 13:07:07 -0600

Several responses gave me bits and pieces. Oisin McGuinness' response is
what I followed.

1) Changed hard mount to soft
2) Created a third level of path (i.e. changed mnt pt from /nfs/servername
to /nfs/servername/extradir/)

When I did the modify through the File Share gui tool, it added the new
mount point instead of changing it. I ended up having to manually add the
entry to /etc/fstab and rebooting to clear everything out and to pick up the
proper mount point but it works now.

Thanks to all who responded.

Received on Fri May 21 1999 - 19:09:31 NZST

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