Hi all,
I have a problem with a TLZ09-DB DAT-drive that
will not rewind tapes correctly (but that otherwise
is working correctly).
I have received the following replies:
* try 'mt offline' instead of 'mt rewind' and
'mt unload'.
* mt defaults to rmt0, maybe you need rmt1.
* use uerf to check for errors
* check firmware
I do indeed need rmt1 instead of rmt0 but the strange thing is
that it doesn't seem to make any difference. When I use
mt -f /dev/nrmt1h offline
I get the following error
/dev/nrmt1h offline 1 failed : I/O error
but the drive did rewind and unload the tape. (btw the same happens
when I use 'mt offline' (and thus use /dev/nrmt0h)).
Checking /var/adm/messages I see the following:
old TLZ09:
Dec 29 09:28:09 struct5 vmunix: tz14 at scsi1 target 6 lun 0 (LID=4)
(DEC TLZ09 (C)DEC 0165)
new TLZ09:
Apr 28 16:48:32 struct5 vmunix: tz14 at scsi1 target 6 lun 0 (LID=4)
(DEC TLZ09 (C)DEC 03a5)
Does 0165 and 03a5 indicate firmware version? If not how can I check
which firmware version I have?
(and where would I check for the latest firmware for a DAT-drive?)
using dia I get the following error messages:
Logging OS 2. Digital UNIX
System Architecture 2. Alpha
Event sequence number 25.
Timestamp of occurrence 25-MAY-1999 10:41:23
Host name struct5
System type register x0000000F AlphaStation 600 or 500
Number of CPUs (mpnum) x00000001
CPU logging event (mperr) x00000000
Event validity 1. O/S claims event is valid
Event severity 3. High Priority
Entry type 199. CAM SCSI Event Type
------- Unit Info -------
Bus Number 1.
Unit Number x0070 Target = 6.
LUN = 0.
------- CAM Data -------
Class x01 Tape
Subsystem x01 Tape
Number of Packets 9.
------ Packet Type ------ 258. Module Name String
Routine Name ctape_load_tape
------ Packet Type ------ 260. Hardware Error String
Error Type Hard Error Detected
------ Packet Type ------ 257. Device Name String
Device Name DEC TLZ09 (C)DEC
------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String
Active CCB at time of error
------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String
CCB request completed with an error
------ Packet Type ------ 1. SCSI I/O Request CCB(CCB_SCSIIO)
Packet Revision 76.
CCB Address xFFFFFC001B677580
CCB Length x00C0
XPT Function Code x01 Execute requested SCSI I/O
Cam Status xC4 CCB Request Completed WITH Error
SIM Queue Frozen with this Error
Autosense Data Valid for Target
Path ID 1.
Target ID 6.
Target LUN 0.
Cam Flags x000000C0 Data Direction (11: no data)
*pdrv_ptr xFFFFFC001B677228
*next_ccb x0000000000000000
*req_map x0000000000000000
void (*cam_cbfcnp)() xFFFFFC00004D1190
*data_ptr x0000000000000000
Data Transfer Length 0.
*sense_ptr xFFFFFC001B677250
Auotsense Byte Length 64.
CDB Length 6.
Scatter/Gather Entry Cnt 0.
SCSI Status x02 Check Condition
Autosense Residue Length x26
Transfer Residue Length x00000000
(CDB) Command & Data Buf
15--<-12 11--<-08 07--<-04 03--<-00 :Byte Order
0000: 00000000 00000000 0000001B * ............*
Timeout Value x00000E10
*msg_ptr x0000000000000000
Message Length 0.
Vendor Unique Flags x0000
Tag Queue Actions x00
------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String
Error, exception, or abnormal
------ Packet Type ------ 256. Generic String
MEDIUM ERROR - Nonrecoverable
medium error
------ Packet Type ------ 768. SCSI Sense Data
Packet Revision 0.
Error Code x70 Current Error
Segment # x00
Information Byte 3 x00
Byte 2 x00
Byte 1 x00
Byte 0 x00
Sense Key x03 Medium Error
Additional Sense Length x12
CMD Specific Info Byte 3 x00
Byte 2 x00
Byte 1 x00
Byte 0 x00
ASCQ = x00FF
Device Vendor Specific ASC/ASCQ
FRU Code x00
Sense Key Specific Byte 0 x00 Sense Key Data NOT Valid
Byte 1 x36
Byte 2 x00
Addition Sense Data Size Allocated by Driver
Count of valid bytes: 46.
15--<-12 11--<-08 07--<-04 03--<-00 :Byte Order
0000: 00000000 00000000 85F71A00 00000000 *................*
0010: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
0020: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 *................*
I suppose I could ignore the error (since the drive now rewinds and
the tape) but somehow that doesn't feel right. So I hope someone can
help me find the problem...
Thanks to
Lars Bro
Paul Casteels
Alan Rollow
Dr. Tom Blinn
Jason Andrade
Simon Millard
Thanks again,
Bart Rousseau, Ph.D. student
University of Antwerp - Dep. of Chemistry
Structural Chemistry - Quantum Chemistry
Received on Tue May 25 1999 - 09:21:50 NZST