SUMMARY ; Strange problem with TLZ09

From: Bart Rousseau <>
Date: Tue, 25 May 1999 14:41:27 +0200


I had a problem with a TLZ09-DB DAT drive that
would not rewind tapes correctly (but that otherwise
was working correctly).

The solution was to use

mt -f /dev/rmt1h offline

instead of

mt rewind
mt unload


 1. mt defaults to rmt0. In my case this was not the problem because
    for some reason /dev/rmt1h and /dev/rmt0h correspond to the same
    device (we have only one dat-device). Why I have both /dev/rmt0h
    and /dev/rmt1h is not clear to me...

 2. use /dev/rmt1h and not /dev/nrmt1h because the 'n' causes the
    drive to not rewind the tape. I should have known this since
    I use this to make multiple backups to one tape...

so I changed my backup-script to look like this:

print "Backup started at $(date)" > $logfile
df -k >> $logfile
/local/bin/tar -cvzf /dev/nrmt1h --exclude-from='/dontbckp' /home3
1>>$logfile 2>&1
/local/bin/tar -cvzf /dev/nrmt1h --exclude-from='/dontbckp' /home4
1>>$logfile 2>&1
/local/bin/tar -cvzf /dev/rmt1h --exclude-from='/dontbckp' /home
1>>$logfile 2>&1
print "Backup completed at $(date)" >> $logfile
mt -f /dev/rmt1h offline

and now it seems to be working fine.

Thanks to

  Richard Eisenman
  George Guethlein
  Paul Casteels

Thanks again to all who responded,

Bart Rousseau, Ph.D. student
University of Antwerp - Dep. of Chemistry
Structural Chemistry  - Quantum Chemistry
Received on Tue May 25 1999 - 12:57:19 NZST

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