SUMMARY: Patch Install

From: Paul Crittenden <>
Date: Fri, 28 May 1999 08:43:22 -0500

Original Question:
>I should have asked this before but I forgot. Is it better to just
install the >whole patch kit or pick and choose patches?
>Also, in case you didn't read my previous summary. Is SSRT0583U, patches
to at >and inc, included in patch kit #3 for v4.0d? From the dates it
looks like it >could be but I couldn't tell for sure since they don't
specifically say what is >being patched in a potential security breech.

Thanks to:
Chris Ruhnke
Alan Davis
Martin Vasas
John Peter Gormley

The consensus was to install the kit as a whole and don't pick and choose.
Also, I'll reinstall kit SSRT05883U as well as several others I found when
I downloaded patch kit #3.

Paul Crittenden
Computer System Manager
Simpson College

Y2K? Why not 3?
Received on Fri May 28 1999 - 13:45:42 NZST

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