SUMMARY: Passwords and Samba

From: Sheryl A. Lemma <>
Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 16:31:40 -0400

Hooray, the Tru64 Managers come through again! Many thanks to:

Rob <>
Darryl Cook <>
Oisin McGuinness <>
Bruce Senn <>
Paul Crittenden <>

Paul gets the big prize for having a winning solution:
If you are not running enhanced security on this machine then remove the 2
C2 subsets, OSFC2SEC425 and OSFXC2SEC425. I had this same problem and when
I unloaded them things worked. I also use SECURITY=SHARE in the smb.conf

Other suggestions were:

1. From Rob Naccarato:
For -L to work, make sure you have a guest account.
man smb.conf and look for 'guest'.

2. Darryl Cook said:
I assume you are using win95 to login? I ran into a
problem very similar to this. I cant remember the exact
error but what was happening was that win95 was sending the
password in all caps and the unix end wouldnt validate my
password. There is a very easy fix to this. It involves
running areg on the win95 end and setting some stuff. If
you think this is along the same lines send me your fax
number and I can fax the stuff to you. Its a couple of
pages long. Its in the samba docs but sorda hard to find.

3. Oisin McGuinness said:
Which system did you configure and build Samba on? The configure
script in the source directory will set different build flags depending on
it finds the security library and API's (header files). Take a good look
at the -D stuff in the Makefile that configure generated.
A quick guess is on one of the machines there is a mismatch between
the security mode Samba was built with and the security mode the machine
runs in.
It is possible to give arguments to the configure script to force certain

4. From my buddy Bruce Senn:
Sounds to me like Samba is assuming enhanced security. Maybe a
compiled-in option, or maybe 4.0E. Maybe once the client system thinks
you are enhanced security it can't change its mind.

FWIW, we used to get a bogus password error message from Eudora when a
user was not in the authorization file. Basically the bad password error
message meant, I can't log in for any reason.

Thanks to all, and I hope one of these answers works for the next person!


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