From: <>
Date: Fri, 02 Jul 1999 11:25:22 +0100

On the 29/6 I sent out a request for information on performance monitoring
products for DUNIX. The original posting is at the end of this message.

I received some excellent replies from the following:

Kevin Jones []
Jonathan Burelbach []
Tina E. Anderson []
Jim Fitzmaurice []
Shah, Manoj []

Manoj Shah (PAWZ product manager) attached a very informative power-point
presentation on the product capabilities. I have NOT included it here. If
anybody wants a copy then let me know and I'll forward it on.

This LOOKS like the way to go. I'm going to take a serious look at this

I heard a rumour (name removed to protect) as follows: the (PAWZ) collector
is to be packaged in the base OS, hopefully from V5 onwards.

Thanks everybody for some hot info very quick.

regards - Tony

Quotation: "Is the glass half full or half empty?? ...
               Well, drink it anyhow, that's what I say".
  Pete Goss.

| TONY MILLER - Systems Projects - VODAFONE LTD, Derby House, |
| Newbury Business Park, Newbury, Berkshire. |
| Phone | 01635-507687(local) |
| FAX | 01635-233517 |

Disclaimer: Opinions expressed in this mail are my own and do not
reflect the company view unless explicitly stated. The information
is provided on an 'as is' basis and no responsibility is accepted for
any system damage howsoever caused.

=================================Shah, Manoj
        Performances Management and Capacity Planning products are available
from Compaq. We (then Digital) never sold POLYCENTER Capacity Planner
products to CA. We only sold POLYCENTER Data Collector and Advisor. Since
then we have developed new Data Collector and Performance Analyzer. We have
just launched a new web based performance monitoring tool called PAWZ. This
product allows automatic down load of data into a database. Performance
graphs of hundreds of systems can then be viewed from any corporate desktop
using a browser. You can view an implementation of PAWZ on web site <> . Use User Account: Guest
and PassWd: Guest.

Attached is a short presentation on all our products.

Try using Compaq capacity planner collector - cpcunix. I use it and it
superior functionality to DECps-dc - but without the rule base. (big loss)

the unix CPC analyser can read unix decps-pdc, unix CPC and measureware
files -
I use it on many 4.0x systems with no problems.

Digital - please note that many sysadmins don't know that CPC exists.

================================Tina E. Anderson
PM CDE is not being retired (first level). What is being retired
is the LICENSE (second level). Customers will no longer be able
to buy a license. Licensing gives you the ability to monitor
distributed and 'add nodes' in the PM CDE GUI. The 'add node'
capability is what is being retired. You can still monitor
one node/GUI.

You also have a number of options over PM CDE. Many customers
use a Collect + sys_check combination and have found this
sufficient. Collect uses far less system resources then PM CDE.
You have flexibility in how you playback and slice the data.
Our next release [ coming out soon ] will have live graphing,
Y2K support, and additional 5.0 metrics. This is a free 'unsupported'
product we provide externally via ftp kits to many customers.

Here are the kit locations for
the current kit.

In addition, you have many 3rd party
options as listed. I also recommend including
Capacity Planner in your evaluations.
I just spoke to a rep. from Platinum Technology, as we are interested in
system monitoring products that will hook into HP Openview, and this was
listed on HP's site. He said that CA Unicenter has promised support for 2
of current tools, and then they'll be rolling them into CA Unicenter suites.
He was unwilling to commit to compatibility with HP at that point. He also
indicated that Platinum ServerVision would not continue as a unique product
after that.

I'm checking out BMC next, as they also coexist with HP Openview.

My .02 worth.

===============================Jonathan Burelbach
Another possibility might be "PAWS" Compaq's new Performance Analysis Web
Zone. It looks like a Capacity Planning/Performance Analysis system. It
is _not_ cheap. TotalTec was showing it at DECUS and has a special running
through Aug 31 for a set containing:
        1 PAWZ server
        5 PAWZ agents (VMS, Unix or NT)
        5 CP/Collectors
        1 CP/Performance analyzer (VMS or DU)
        media & docs
   for the "special low low low price of $25000 US. List is over $38000.
The server is NT Server based - the demo I have recommends 400MHz & 128MB
RAM with SP3, IE4.01, OptionPack4, SP4 and SQLserver 7.0!

You might check the Compaq site for part number QB-6B3AA-SA or send mail
to (phone # 603-884-2510)

Try using Compaq capacity planner collector - cpcunix. I use it and it
superior functionality to DECps-dc - but without the rule base. (big loss)

the unix CPC analyser can read unix decps-pdc, unix CPC and measureware
files -
I use it on many 4.0x systems with no problems.

Digital - please note that many sysadmins don't know that CPC exists.

===============================Kevin Jones

Deq have a product now called Enterprise Capacity Planner which is the
effective replacement for DECps, in fact I believe it shares a lot of the
code. I think there was some agreement after the sale to CA that the code
could not be used for X number of years, and that time has now expired.
There is a very out of date web page on the product at
or a Compaq page which has a glossy brochure on it but no technical 'meat'
I have used this product, the first version we had was somewhat 'buggy' ,
the latter version far better, but in my opinion, it is an extremely
expensive product for what you actually can do with it. The data collector
is approx. £400, the analyser approx. £4000, and the capacity planner is £12

Although the Performance Manager product is being 'retired' the only part
that is being done away with is the ability to monitor other systems from
one system. The capability to monitor a single system is going to remain,
and I believe improved.


Just got around to reading the Customer Update notification sent on 4th
June. There is a little throw away reference & URL relating to the PMGR
product. I almost didn't read it:

Basically this product is being retired, and I quote:

"Remedial support for Performance Manager for Tru64 UNIX will be provided
through the Customer Support Centres in accordance with the provisions of
customer maintenance contracts through, but not beyond, June 2000. Warranty
customers will receive support throughout their initial warranty agreement.
Customers are no longer able to purchase the licensed functionality with
associated services and support. All services and support will cease for
Performance Manger (UPI 0WF) as of June 2000.

The following ISV products provide much of the licensed, distributed

Datametrics Viewpoint --
BMC Patrol --
BMC Best/1 -- (formerly from BGS, now part of BMC)
Platinum Technology ServerVision -- (Recently acquired by Computer

Last Order Date: July 25, 1999
Last Ship Date: July 25, 1999"

Its a real shame, but since the assimilation (sorry sale to Computer
Associates, CA) of DECPS-DC & PA products, these products have been
effectively killed since, to my knowledge, no version of DECPS-DC/PA have
been released which support versions of DUNIX beyond DUNIX V4.0B. These
really were in my mind very good products.

So, PMGR was one solution we started using for 'ad hoc' performance
management stuff. But now PMGR is being killed off as well. I guess this
will not be available/supported under DUNIX V5.0 when it ships.

So the question: does anybody have any experience of the above products?
The web page says that "much of the licensed, distributed functionality" is
available in the listed products, but which to go for? I have no experience
of Supervision, but if this has just been assimilated by CA then I guess we
can assume this will be killed off as well in the longer term.

Are there other performance monitoring products available which people
use/recommend? Any advise would be appreciated.

It seems a real shame , but Compaq/Digital have an excellent architecture
and a good UNIX implementation. Why is there no in house supported
performance products available? This does affect peoples purchasing
decisions. We certainly have people who will look to HP in preference to
COMPAQ because of the lack of supported performance management/monitoring

I will of course summarise any information.
Received on Fri Jul 02 1999 - 10:27:59 NZST

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