I am newbie with Digital Unix. I want simply to restore a tape from
on host2 from host1, where host2 will be on single user mode.
- Host1 has a tape drive ==> named alpha;
- Host2 did not have a tape drive ==> named calpha;
- I can do "rsh" between the two;
- The filesystem type is "advfs" for the two;
- Host1 run: Digital UNIX V4.0B (OSF1 alpha V4.0 564 alpha);
- Host2 run: Digital UNIX V4.0C (OSF1 calpha V4.0 564.32 alpha).
The tape was created using the following command:
> rsh calpha -n /sbin/vdump -0 -u -b 60 -f - $local_dev |\
dd of=$src_tape bs=60k
where, for example, local_dev=/dev/nrmt0h and src_tape=/usr
So I tried the following command in multi-user mode, but it gave me errors,
and I do not want to corrupt my hots1 machine!
>------------ output from my vrestore -------
> calpha# rsh alpha mt -f $tape rewind
> calpha# rsh alpha /sbin/vrestore -x -q -f $tape -D - | dd bs=60k
> vrestore: error accessing file system <->; [2] No such file or directory
> 0+0 records in
> 0+0 records out
> calpha# rsh alpha mt -f $tape rewind
>----------------- end -----------------------
Thanks for your help...
| Centre d'Analyse Numerique de Reseaux |
Claude Charest Informatique du domaine Transport Hydro-Quebec
Complexe Desjardins, C.P. 10 000
Montreal (Quebec) H5B 1H7 (10e)
Tel: (514) 289-2211#2897
Fax: (514) 289-3644
Received on Wed Jul 07 1999 - 20:14:54 NZST