Dear Managers,
No solution was received, but Simon Greaves
( suggested typing vncserver -kill :n (where n
is the display number; vncserver gives this to you when you start) to
kill the session off. This does work and it seems to be a reasonable
workaround (although why doesn't the vncserver documentation list this
valuable option?) Simon mentioned he's had some problems: the slow
speed of CDE, windows coming up with the wrong size, and apps that
don't want to run in TrueColor. I haven't had these problems (so long
as you use a fast connection).
Several responses were received that essentially just asked
how I set up and used VNC with CDE:
1. Be sure the remote stations are authorized to use X. I
used a solution suggested by Spider Boardman which I previously posted
on November 30, 1998 to this list under the title "[CLOSURE]Problem
adding X terminal and problem with pop bulletins". VNC itself pretty
much installs right out of the box.
2. Each user must do the following the first time:
a. Be sure /usr/bin/X11 is in their path (to locate xauth).
b. Run vncserver. The first time it will ask for a password
(which can be changed later with the vncpasswd command). The first
time the user will also have to edit ${HOME}/.vnc/xstartup (which
vncserver creates), changing the last line to "dtwm &". Then stop VNC
using Simon's suggestion above and restart with the vncserver
command. The user then starts the VNCviewer on their PC or other
local station.
3. Each subsequent time the user run vncserver and then starts
the VNCviewer. To log off, type Simon's command.
So far I've only had a few students experienced with UNIX
running VNC because of the logoff problem. They really seem to like
it. We want students to be able to run under X at times our 3000/300s
aren't directly available (I have to manage the lab myself so it's
only open when I'm around). We don't have any special applications in
mind yet although I have one possibility I will be investigating. I
do have some concern about the load that general usage would entail.
Original Post
-------- ----
Dear Managers,
As an experiment I put up the VNC package recommended on this
list to allow my students to use X windows from their PCs when they
connect to my DEC 3000 network (in fact, I'm using it right now).
Everything is fine except that we can't log out of CDE. Either
clicking the EXIT button on the Front Panel or right-clicking the
background and choosing Log Off gives a dialog box with this message:
The request to service this action has failed for the following
reason: TT_ERR_NO_MATCH: No handler could be found for this message,
and the disposition was not queue or start..
The only way out is to get to a telnet session and kill several
processes. I consider this unacceptable for general users who may not
know how to do this.
Any suggestions?
Larry Griffith Dept. of Computer & Info Science Westfield State College
(413) 572-5294 Westfield, MA 01086 USA
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Received on Mon Jul 12 1999 - 13:56:12 NZST