uucp connection via modem haging off of a ds700 w/ mc.

From: HBW <blakew_at_fullerbrush.com>
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 1999 13:07:55 +0000

Hello Tru64 world!

We have a uucp connection that looks like this

Alpha 2100 Tru64 4.0e <- Network <- DecServer 700 <- Modem <- Phone
Network <- Modem <- AIX box.

At one time this worked with out a hitch, now for some reason it is not
working. I think it may have something to do with an Tru64 OS update
but I'm not sure. It was working when we were running (then OSF/1) 3.2g
and (then Digital Unix) 4.0 with no patches.

The issue we are having is uucp starts, sends a few packets then it
starts to time out on the AIX side.

Any suggestions on how to get this working again? Thank you all for
your time.

H. Blakely Williford            | Men never do evil so completely & cheerfully
Systems Programer/Administrator | as when they do it with religious conviction.
The Fuller Brush Company        |                               - Blaise Pascal
Received on Fri Jul 16 1999 - 13:11:07 NZST

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