Greetings. I've been attempting to install some layered software for Digital
Unix on a system here. I evidently managed to install Fortran 77 and 90, but I
had a problem with C++.
The details of the system:
Compaq XP1000 Professional Workstation
Digital Unix V4.0E (Rev 1091)
Firmware V5.4-2935
I mounted the installation CD via NFS from a "jukebox" server on campus here:
mount -o ro jukebox:/dunix /mnt
Then I attempted to install via:
cd /mnt/cslg_software/software_library.0499.disc1/cxx610/kit
setld -l .
A similar approach worked for Fortran (but in .../dfa520/kit), as I said
above. This command did apparently install various components of the C++
package, such as the documentation, but it did not install the compiler
itself. On the second iteration of the command I was given only two components
to install:
1) DIGITAL C++ V5.7 (-oldcxx) compiler
2) DIGITAL C++ Version 6.1 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems.
I selected '2' and got the following error message:
For CXXBASE610 to be installed you must install the Standard Programmer
Commands subset for Digital Unix V4.0 or higher (OSFPGMRnnn)
setld: Installation declined by subset control program (PRE_L)
"DIGITAL C++ Version 6.1 for DIGITAL UNIX Systems" (CXXBASE610) will
not be loaded.
I finally found what appears to be the relevant file in:
I.e., if I type:
setld -l /mnt/operating_system/dunix4.0e/dunix4.0e/ALPHA/BASE
I'm presented with a menu of 82 things to install, one of which is the one I'm
looking for, namely, "Standard Programmer Commands". The trouble is that after
I've made my selection, the setld program can never seem to do the right
thing. I get a message similar to the following for what would appear to be
ALL files in the distribution:
pax: usr/lib/libresolv.a : No such file or directory
I've tried what I deem to be a complete set of stupid install tricks to resolve
this, including giving the setld command while the default directory was '/',
while it was /mnt/operating_system/dunix4.0e/dunix4.0e (where there ARE
directories such as usr which DO contain the relevant files), etc. I've also
copied the whole operating-system CD to a local hard drive, just to eliminate
the jukebox as the cause of the problem. I also have tried installing
EVERYTHING in the BASE distribution, just in case there were some prerequisite
files. I've had no success with any of this.
I took a look at the ".inv" file for the kit in question. I don't claim to
understand the details of it, but it appears that there are several arguments
related to every file which gets installed. And two of these arguments would
seem to be (a) the place to find the file, and (b) maybe a symbolic link to the
file. Here's a sample entry:
0 22 00000 0 0 120777 11/13/98 435 s
/usr/lib/libresolv.a ../ccs/lib/libresolv.a OSFPGMR435
I conjecture that this says to find the file "libresolv.a" in ./usr/lib and
copy it to /usr/lib, with a symbolic link in /usr/ccs/lib.
I notice that the IS such a file on the CD, if you look in the right place:
$ pwd
$ find . -name libresolv.a -print
But the installation apparently never finds the file, even, as I noted above,
if I issue the setld command from /mnt/operating_system/dunix4.0e/dunix4.0e.
Perhaps there is something special about installing a product from the BASE
set? I.e., maybe it's expected that you're booted from the CD at the time?
More likely, I'm doing something stupid. In any event, I can't find a way to
get this installed. Can anybody out there help with this?
- Mike
Michael Hannon (Internet)
Dept. of Physics
University of California ucdhep::mike (42385::mike) (HEPnet)
Davis, CA 95616-8677 530.752.4966 (Voice) 916.752.4717 (FAX)
Received on Fri Jul 16 1999 - 18:43:45 NZST