Hi all,
in a period of emergency (both our DAT units are out of order!) we have
performed some remote backup of AdvFs filesystems.
In particular, we have a filesystem /u on host a2 which is NFS mounted on host
a3 (where we have enough disk space).
We dumped /u with the command (on host a3):
rsh a2 /sbin/vdump -Cu -f - /u > u06_12
When we try to use the dump file to restore some files we get the following
vrestore -i -f u06_12
vrestore: Date of the vdump save-set: Sat Jun 12 11:48:28 1999
vrestore: empty save-set
vrestore: nothing will be restored
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
Ok, ok, now, after checking in the archives, we understand that it would have
been better to use explicitly the -b 60 option in the vdump and a pipe into a
suitable dd.
However our question is: is there any way to restore the files in the
dump file ? And, in any case, what *exactly* was wrong with the way we did it?
We can add that a similar command for dumping a local filesystem worked
without problems:
vdump -Cu -f t06_12 /t
Thanks for any hints.
Giorgio Pastore
Giorgio Pastore - Dipartimento di Fisica Teorica dell' Universita'
Strada Costiera 11, 34014 Trieste, Italy
phone : + 39 040 2240242 fax: + 39 040 224601
e-mail: pastore_at_ts.infn.it
Received on Wed Jul 21 1999 - 11:22:56 NZST