Hi, this weekend I wanted to update our Alphaserver 1000A-4/266 from
TRu64 V4.0 to V4.0F.
During the firmware update with the V5.5 CD the SRM-update failed.
An extract of the output follows:
ARC Updating to v4.58... Verifying v4.58... PASSED.
SRM open failure firmware filename 'srm_fw'
pkd0 Updating to A11... Verifying A11... PASSED.
UPD> verify
ARC Verifying v4.58... PASSED.
SRM open failure firmware filename 'srm_fw'
pkd0 Verifying A11... PASSED.
UPD> list
Device Current Revision Filename Update Revision
ARC v4.58 arc_fw v4.58
SRM v4.6-224 srm_fw Missing file
pkd0 A11 kzpsa_fw A11
ccmab_fw 22
dfeaa_fw 1.3
dfeab_fw 3.10
dfxaa_fw 3.10
Then I decided to use the V5.3 CD but I got the same message.
Now the console shows:
14:57:24 SRM Console: V4.6-224
14:57:24 ARC Console: v4.57
14:57:24 PALcode: VMS PALcode V5.56-4, OSF PALcode X1.45-9
14:57:24 Serial Rom: V2.8
14:57:24 Processor
14:57:24 DECchip (tm) 21064A-2 266MHz
After this I decided only to upgrade to V4.0E of Tru64 and till now
everythings runs fine.
But of course I want to do a correct firmware upgrade.
Any hints??
Kees Bol
Department for Information Management and Datacommunication (I&D)
Wageningen University, Dreijenplein 2, 6703 HB Wageningen
The Netherlands
Phone:+31(0)317-484715 Fax:+31(0)317-485360 http://www.wau.nl
Received on Tue Jul 27 1999 - 13:13:52 NZST